Juicer Recipes For a 2010 Weight Loss Plan

If you are starting a diet plan please do yourself a favor and don't starve yourself. If you deny your body the fuel it needs to function, it goes into a "safe mode" and pretty much shuts down by slowing down your metabolism so dramatically that weight loss is virtually impossible. Plus, you are probably irritable and not too pleasant to be around either!

The real "trick" to dieting isn't starving. Nor is it spending a lot of your hard earned money on gimmick diet plans or pills. The "trick" is to consume fewer calories than your body burns on a daily basis while still providing the vitamins and nutrients required to maintain good health. Personally, I have found that a great way to do this is by pre-planning meals so I don't end up at the local drive through and by adding Smoothies to my diet.


Smoothies are unique because they can be made with so many different ingredients including low calorie yogurts, milk, and soy. There are literally hundreds of fruit smoothie recipes so you won't bet board eating the same thing day after day after day. You can make weight loss smoothies to the consistency you desire so they will give you that "full" feeling which will result in eating less. Also, because of the ingredients used, having a healthy smoothie each day will insure your body gets the vital vitamins and nutrients it needs. Here's a tip: the bolder the color of the fruit, the more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you are getting.

Fruit smoothie recipes are, most often, made of low fat, skim or soy milk but you can also make fresh fruit juice recipes as well. Most smoothie mixes avoid sugars so right from the start you are avoiding unnecessary calories. One of the best things about fruit smoothie recipes is that the fruit used is naturally sweet and, if you also use a low fat flavored yogurt in the mix, your sweet tooth is satisfied without harm to your diet!

You have the ability to make 2010 the year you lose the weight and keep it off. All you need to do is start!

Juicer Recipes For a 2010 Weight Loss Plan

Fruit smoothie recipes are an excellent diet aid. Not only do they bring a variety of flavors to your meal plans but these juicer recipes also provide a very large amount of the daily vitamins and minerals our bodies require to function properly.

These healthy smoothies also provide a base for introducing additional dietary supplements such as Mila's Chia Seed which may be one of the best available.

We post a new free juicing recipe each weekday at Best Fruit Smoothies.com and I invite you to visit. We also offer a good selection of smoothie recipe books that virtually guarantee you will never have to have the same recipe twice!

This is the year to finally lose the weight. Juicing recipes like smoothies will help you achieve your personal goals.