3 Foods For a Good Complexion - Get Beautiful Fresh Skin

Are you wondering what you should eat a lot of to improve the appearance of your facial skin? Some foods are better for the skin than others, especially the ones that are dense in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Some foods for good complexion are delicious just by themselves while others may be easiest to get down in a smoothie.

These foods for good complexion will help you make your skin both beautiful and youthful, because when your skin has all the nutrients it needs the rejuvenation process will be facilitated.


1. Dark Leafy Greens

Dark green leafed vegetables like spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, collard greens and swiss chard are rich in minerals and vitamins. Some people don't really like their greens, and that is when blends and smoothies come in handy. Just put fruit like bananas, avocado and peaches in your blender together with some greens, and you won't even notice them.

2. All Kinds of Berries

Berries are really rich in antioxidants, as well as vitamins. Antioxidants are great because they reduce the free radicals in your body (which cause aging) and make you look and feel great. Examples of delicious berries are raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and mulberries. But do eat them unheated to get the most antioxidants and vitamins.

3. Wakame Kelp

Wakame sea kelp comes from the Japanese sea and is eaten both fresh and dried by the Japanese people. It is their secret to youthful, fair and smooth skin, and is best enjoyed in wraps and salads.

Another way to get the benefits from Wakame, is by using the extract Phytessence Wakame on your skin. Not only the extract of course, it should be added to a natural skin cream.

It has been proven in scientific studies that Phytessence Wakame improves skin elasticity and skin tone. It is also moisturizing and helps to heal dry and irritated skin.

With all that said, I firmly believe that the most important thing is to eat foods for good complexion and then to use an age defensive skin cream. It is never too soon to start using a really good anti-aging face cream, the sooner the better because it will prevent the first signs of aging.

3 Foods For a Good Complexion - Get Beautiful Fresh Skin

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best skin cream, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results.

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