Milkshakes - The Easy Snack to Go

Who doesn't love milkshakes? Milkshakes are the universal during hot summer days and make excellent snacks for those who prefer drinking rather that eating snacks. How can you make healthy milkshakes to curb those cravings?

The recipes are various, but let's start with the basics. Buy yourself a decent blender, it shouldn't be that expensive and you can get it from any superstore. A simple milkshake depends on your preferences, do you like apples? Do like oranges? Do you like strawberries? Whatever you preference is, you can simply throw in the ingredients with two cups of skimmed milk - tastes better - and you'll have a milkshake in no time. Another way to do it, if it's really hot, is to get low-fat ice-cream and add it to the mix. If you're a fan of nuts, you can chop them up and add them to the milkshake.


For those bodybuilding, you can always add protein powder and a couple of egg whites for maximum results. However; for such a milkshake, make sure you keep it in the fridge and don't drink it after two days - you don't want to risk the eggs going bad.

You can always try different variations with ice cubes instead of ice-cream; it gives it a crunchier feeling. An old trick some chefs used was to add a little bit of ginger, since ginger makes almost anything taste good. Some people prefer vegetable shakes to milkshakes; you can always put your vegetables in the blender according to your preference. Such shakes are perfect for those with ulcers and gastric conditions.

If you're the kind of person who can't stand anything unsweetened, you can try adding a teaspoon of honey; it adds fewer calories than putting actual sugar. Other additions such adding a teaspoon of coffee or any other stimulant should be done with care, and always remember to keep your shakes and milkshakes within the boundaries of you diet for ultimate success.

Milkshakes - The Easy Snack to Go

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